Baby Countdown

 Pregnancy Ticker

Monday, August 11, 2014

July 28th

Dear Reese,
So much has happened over the last few days! Your Great Grandma, Grandma, and Grandpa got us a very special gift. They got us an SUV! They wanted to make sure we were all going to be safe up here in the mountains. It's 4 wheel drive and has a sunroof. Also, your stroller fits perfectly in the back. You're gonna love it baby :) I hope you always know just how much you are loved by your whole family. Everyone is so excited to meet the little baby growing in my tummy. The baby shower is a week from tomorrow and we have you all registered at Baby's R Us! We want you to have all the Lion King stuff. We also got you these awesome bottles that will help so you won't get Colic, that's what your mommy got you when I was a baby.

Sometimes I get so anxious to meet you that I want to just jump to your due date but there is still so much to do and I really love having you in my tummy. Your kicks make me so happy! I woke up from a bad dream and you were there to kick me and let me know that everything is going to be ok. I am so excited to set up your room. I want it to be perfect for you. Your great grandma bought some pretty neat stuff today at a garage sale. She got you a high hair, some clothes, a crib, and a bassinet so you can sleep right next to Mommy and Daddy when we first take you home.

It's crazy to think that we will leave our home one day and come back with a new addition to our family. I really hope Chico and Kitty do not get too jealous :P

I always find myself wondering what you look like. I hope you have Daddy's eyes, Grandma Liz's nose, my hair, and Grandpa's smile. You will be so beautiful no matter who you look like :)

Your Daddy loves you very much, I can tell by how he acted at Baby's R Us. He was so interested in everything and wanted to make sure you get everything you need. We agreed on what you should get and what wasn't really needed. That makes me happy knowing that you will have two parents who love each other and love you. We would do anything for you sweetie.

Your Daddy and I spend hours talking about you. We talk about how we want to raise you, what we hope you'll learn from us, and how amazing it will be having you in our lives. You have made us closer than ever. 🙊 You are our little monkey!